
Viser innlegg fra januar, 2018

programming tips with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

Well, hi again :D I just thought of something which I wanna write about! (which is unusual...) I Just thought of how we people think and learn. We read books, go to classes or use the internet to find the information we need. I speak for myself now, but I have always been original trying to bend knowlegde to my liking by thinking outside the box. I have a disability, which makes me unable to walk and my left arm is so spastic that I can't use it. This might seem weird, but actually grateful for my disability... Weird huh? But I think it has enabled to become more creative and solution oriented. I have always found a way to play video games with one hand (I've owned a PS4, PS3, PS2, PSP, Gameboy color, Gameboy SP, Nintendo DS, Gamecube and many more). And in school I always found youtube videos for the subjects I was taking instead of reading the books we had. I'm trying to think outside the box now that i'm making games to iPhones and iPads and life in general...

Now let's talk about experimentation, creativity and fun when programming a game :)

Hi, blog! Happy new year! This is a blog which is pointed towards learning, but experimentation as well. This is the first blog i've ever made, so this is also an experiment. Yes, feel free to copy my code and follow the tutorials slavishly. But what's the fun with that? Huh. Think outside the box, try to be creative. That's also why I paste screenshots of the code and not the actual code to give you a sence of creative freedom! It gives you time to think about what you want to do while making the game :) I watch tutorials on Youtube and use Stack Overflow for tips and tricks, but at the same time tried things since only watching tutorials can be boring in the long term. If you can think of something while reading my posts, try to set it to life. That's how I learned programming, by following a "how to make Flappy Bird for iPhone" video on youtube... While watching the video I went off ...