programming tips with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

Well, hi again :D

I just thought of something which I wanna write about! (which is unusual...)

I Just thought of how we people think and learn. We read books, go to classes or use the internet to find the information we need. I speak for myself now, but I have always been original trying to bend knowlegde to my liking by thinking outside the box.

I have a disability, which makes me unable to walk and my left arm is so spastic that I can't use it. This might seem weird, but actually grateful for my disability... Weird huh? But I think it has enabled to become more creative and solution oriented.

I have always found a way to play video games with one hand (I've owned a PS4, PS3, PS2, PSP, Gameboy color, Gameboy SP, Nintendo DS, Gamecube and many more). And in school I always found youtube videos for the subjects I was taking instead of reading the books we had.

I'm trying to think outside the box now that i'm making games to iPhones and iPads and life in general. Yes, I watch tutorials, but always trying to go off track and not stay on the road, copying others rather using the tutorials as a blueprint.

I mean if you have an idea for an app which is unique why not set it to life? Your app might change the game forever! Therefore go off track when watching tutorials, you will learn much more. In other words learn by doing! :)

I can't speak for everyone, but this is how I learned programming and a lot of other shit... Probably not the best method, but it worked for me! :)

Hope you who reads this get it and don't think i'm some kind of maniac who rambles to much, if so i'm sorry for that...

Anyways thanks for reading this post. Maybe you know a better wey :)

Feel free to follow me on Instagram and Twitter @noobgamemaker

Would be pretty awesome if you who reads this could share this blog, my Instagram and Twitter to your friends, mom, dad, uncle, cousin,  brother, sister, dog, cat, grandpa and grandma! If you want to tho :)

✌✌✌out and have an awesome day :)


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