It's time to get Schwifty in here! (Timers)
My cat chewed on my charing cable and destroyed it........... Therefore I was gone for a while. Also it was Christmas! :) Hope you all had an amazing Christmas and if you don't celebrate, hope you had and still have an awesome holiday! Put your hands on the keyboard Follow theese steps It's about to get schwifty in here I'm mr Noobgamemaker and today I will about how to make a Timer in Swift (the programming language that Apple uses, not Taylor Swift). The Timer() can be used in many situations, but today we'll be using it as a countdown to end a game. :) Like the Get Schwifty song made the giant heads dissapear in the Rick And Morty episode. So let's get staaaaaarted! :) Step one: Make two variables and declare one as a Timer() and the other one as SKSpriteNode() in the startGame function which we made last time:) If you haven't read the last post where I explained the basics about declaring variables I highly recommend reading that p...