
programming tips with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

Well, hi again :D I just thought of something which I wanna write about! (which is unusual...) I Just thought of how we people think and learn. We read books, go to classes or use the internet to find the information we need. I speak for myself now, but I have always been original trying to bend knowlegde to my liking by thinking outside the box. I have a disability, which makes me unable to walk and my left arm is so spastic that I can't use it. This might seem weird, but actually grateful for my disability... Weird huh? But I think it has enabled to become more creative and solution oriented. I have always found a way to play video games with one hand (I've owned a PS4, PS3, PS2, PSP, Gameboy color, Gameboy SP, Nintendo DS, Gamecube and many more). And in school I always found youtube videos for the subjects I was taking instead of reading the books we had. I'm trying to think outside the box now that i'm making games to iPhones and iPads and life in general...

Now let's talk about experimentation, creativity and fun when programming a game :)

Hi, blog! Happy new year! This is a blog which is pointed towards learning, but experimentation as well. This is the first blog i've ever made, so this is also an experiment. Yes, feel free to copy my code and follow the tutorials slavishly. But what's the fun with that? Huh. Think outside the box, try to be creative. That's also why I paste screenshots of the code and not the actual code to give you a sence of creative freedom! It gives you time to think about what you want to do while making the game :) I watch tutorials on Youtube and use Stack Overflow for tips and tricks, but at the same time tried things since only watching tutorials can be boring in the long term. If you can think of something while reading my posts, try to set it to life. That's how I learned programming, by following a "how to make Flappy Bird for iPhone" video on youtube... While watching the video I went off ...

It's time to get Schwifty in here! (Timers)

My cat chewed on my charing cable and destroyed it........... Therefore I was gone for a while. Also it was Christmas! :) Hope you all had an amazing Christmas and if you don't celebrate, hope you had and still have an awesome holiday! Put your hands on the keyboard Follow theese steps It's about to get schwifty in here I'm mr Noobgamemaker and today I will about how to make a Timer in Swift (the programming language that Apple uses, not Taylor Swift). The Timer() can be used in many situations, but today we'll be using it as a countdown to end a game. :) Like the Get Schwifty song made the giant heads dissapear in the Rick And Morty episode. So let's get staaaaaarted! :) Step one: Make two variables and declare one as a Timer() and the other one as SKSpriteNode() in the startGame function which we made last time:) If you haven't read  the last post  where I explained the basics about declaring variables I highly recommend reading that p...

let's start cookin' (making a game for iPhone)

It's my sixth post... Am I a pro blogger soon?... Anyways, howdy folks! Two post ago , read this first before going all in on this one, we became familiar to Xcode and it's wizardry. This time we'll not become masterchefs like Paula Deen, rather we'll be cooking up a small game (programming) in Swift (No, not Taylor Swift... But Apples, no not the fruit... But the programming language that the company Apple made, that is called Swift, there!). Okay, let's start! step numero uno: Setting variables and SK's. A variable called 'var' in swift is like rice or potatoes, works with everything, just remember to declare what the variable is. For example that a potato is a vegetable, but since swift isn't something you can eat we have to declare potato in a different way. Now, if I write in gameScene.swift: var potato = SKSpriteNode() I declare potato as an SKSpriteNode which is a texture.  Now that we are done decla...

My noob-ish Instaglam and twitter account

So it's my fifth post. :D :D :D Yeah, time to tell you about my Instant gram and theettah since it's sooooo important theese days... :D My Instagram📸 On my IG I post pictures of food and make up tutorials... Nah, i'm kidding! or am I.... Check out and see for yourself :P (Or just scroll down...) There I post updates on my games that are already on App Store, funny moments and the progress i'm having when making new games. My twittah🦆 ( the 🦆-emoji was the closest thing to the twitterbird icon... Don't jugde me :P) Twitter is used to communicate with you peeps and is also used for updates as well! Short post, but hope you enjoy anyways! :D ✌ out!

Mom! I got motivation to continue!

Well it's my fourth post already! Started from the first post, now we here! Hi, peepz! So now that you are kinda into Xcode. Let's talk about motivation to complete an app. I have been frustrated over one simple bug, used hours to try to fix it and I never gave up.. Do you know why? Okay. I'll tell ya. I had a vision and a goal #lifegoal that I reeeeeally wanted to accomplish and make it to reality so that I can feel proud when saying I made that shitty game/app. Even though I spent f*@#&ing 12 hours fixing a little bug that could be fixed in two seconds...🖕 Don't be shy and not follow your intution, if you have an idea follow it. Don't let it go with the wind because some people are saying your idea isn't good enough. Just create, perfect it and upload it. The worst you can get is an warning from Apple saying that your is not good enough, but again perfect it (I'm speaking for both Apple and Android users now) and sooner or later it will up...

Become familiar to Xcode and SpriteKit

My third post. Damn! Well... Hi blog. So I thought it would be fun to make a tutorial on how to make your very own game step by step. Here we go! I will take it in baby steps! In this post i will be telling you how to make your very first Xcode project and Step one: Create a new Xcode project The first time you are opening Xcode you will get this menu. The playground is a place where animals roam freely and flowers grow... Nah just kidding. It's a place where you can experiment like a mad scientist or doctor, but the chemicals is replaced with code. But let's get started with a new Xcode project. After clicking on the Create a new Xcode button you will face another menu! Why?! Well, here you can choose what kind of template you want your game or app would be in. I'm choosing Game since that is what I know best. Here you just type in your project name, team, orgization name and organization identifier. If not default, set the language to swift and Ga...